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Greek School

The Purpose

The “Hellenic School of St Peter and Paul” is a branch of the “Greek Orthodox Community of Bristol” (Registered Charity No. 279079). Under this title it operates as a centre for teaching the Greek language and promoting Hellenic culture.

For children of school age, it complements the education that pupils receive from their formal education in the UK and it is a recognised examination centre for conducting examination of A- level Greek through “EDEXCEL”.

Under the auspices of the “Hellenic School of St. Peter and Paul” operate classes providing Greek language lessons to adults and reception classes for children of pre-school age.

Our Goals

Promote the Greek language, culture and heritage as well as celebrate the importance of living in a multicultural society.

Build a sense of pride by familiarising the children with their history and language whilst promoting mutual respect for the values and beliefs of other ethnic groups.

Create a broad and balanced curriculum, complementary to the formal one, so that children can acquire a wide range of skills and abilities.

Establish the Greek School of Bristol as a centre of excellence which caters for children as young as 4, to A’ Levels and adults.

Greek School St Peter & Paul Bristol


We work to provide a safe, warm and stimulating educational environment for students to learn and appreciate the Hellenic culture and the Greek language.

We value each student and will recognise his or her good qualities from the outset. We help each individual develop abilities, confidence, self-esteem and respect for others so that, in time, they can reach their true potential and become active members of the Greek community.


Pupils are encouraged to treat each other and those around them with empathy and respect; as they would wish to be treated. Staff model good manners, patience and sensitivity towards pupils and each other. Staff show support for one another and are willing to share talents and skills.

Programmes of Study

We recognise individual learning differences and provide all with a range of appropriate teaching and learning experiences. Staff co-operate and coordinate their expertise to provide a consistent framework for each pupil’s development.

Family and Community Links

We try at all times to communicate effectively with parents and the Greek/Cypriot Community and help to the best of our abilities with issues affecting our students educational experience.

School Policies & Regulations

I. Staff handbook
II. Health and safety policy

Copies of the above documents are available upon request from the school committee.


The school is organized in classes of age and ability and operates with the generous support of the Greek Embassy and Cyprus High Commission, ensuring the highest standard of teaching and development. Lessons are held on Saturday mornings for children between the ages of 4-12 and midweek evenings for older children and adults.

The Greek School is registered examination centre and many students are currently working towards GCSE and A level qualifications in Modern Greek language.

Reception Class

An integral part of the Greek school is our reception class for children between the ages of 4-5. It has been particularly popular and has recently seen an increase in its numbers. The reception class teacher and the classroom assistant endeavour to offer a well-balanced, educational programme that follows the Greek curriculum but amalgamates it with elements of the Foundation Stage curriculum of British schools so that all children, despite their level of fluency in Greek, feel confident and relaxed. The main aim of our reception class is to introduce young children to the Greek language and culture through play and fun educational activities and set the basis for their future learning. By introducing Greek to children at a young age, we can ensure that their transition to the primary classes will be smoother and their progress steady and continuing.

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